Monday, September 13, 2010

Only Uni - Camy Tang


Only Uni is the the second book in the Sushi Series by Camy Tang. The series follows four cousins through life and decisions about work, boys, family, jobs and more. This book is about Trish, who is trying to get over a protective, possessive ex-boyfriend. Trish makes 3 new rules to follow God, only date Christian men and win people for God. She joins a new church, volunteers for a bunch of new projects and gets into some pretty funny situations. The ex-boyfriend keeps popping up everywhere and causing trouble, while a co-worker is trying to win Trish's heart. 
This book was an easy and fun read. This is light-hearted to read quickly but also has a great message about God's unconditional love for His children. 

~ Next book is The Postcard Killers by James Patterson ~ I know they books do not follow, but I have to change up the action to not get bored. ~


  1. Thanks so much for the review of my book, Valerie! I'm so glad you liked it!

  2. Thanks for your writing. I have the next book in the series to read in about a week. I am looking forward to it.
